Know Your Spine
What Exactly is The Spine?
The Spine is a structure made of bones and tissues. The Spine is responsible for your backbone structure and transferring information through the spinal cord. It has 3 parts – The Vertebrae, The Intervertebral Discs, and the Spinal Cord.
Firstly, we have the Vertebrae. (મણકા) These are small bones (singular: vertebra) stacked on one another. They are joined to one another through facet joints. We have a total of 33 vertebrae in the column.
After which we have the Intervertebral Disc. (ગાદી) It is present between each vertebra. It is a soft, gel-like cushion, shaped like a disc that helps absorb pressure and shock during body movement and reflexes. The intervertebral disc prevents the vertebral bones from grinding one another.
Finally, we have the Spinal cord/Nerves. (કરોડરજ્જુ) These are long tubular structures made of nervous tissue. It extends from the brain to the lower back inside the spinal canal.
The Spinal Cord is protected by three layers known as “Meninges” and the fluid between those layers.
The Spinal Cord is essential for the transfer of nerve signals from the brain to the body. The Nerves also conform sensory signals to transmit signals from the body to the brain.
Myths and Facts
Myth #1: On Bed Rest After Spine Surgery
Myth: There has to be a long period of bed rest following spine surgery.
Fact: In almost all spine surgeries, the patient is made to walk/stand on the same day/the next day after surgery.
Myth #2: On Paralysis After Spine Surgery
Myth: One should not undergo spine surgery as it often leads to paralysis.
Fact: The incidence of paralysis after spine surgery is only around 1%, the extent of which depends upon the level of the spine being operated on.
Myth #3: On Spinal Belts
Myth: Wearing a spine belt always helps in relieving the pain.

Fact: Spinal braces are to be worn for a limited period as prescribed by doctors. Wearing them for a long time can cause more harm to spinal muscles.
Myth #4: On Sleep Postures
Myth: Sleeping straight without any pillow is beneficial for spine diseases.

Fact: The most comforting position would be sleeping on one side(lateral) with pillows in between two knees. The size of the pillow should allow the head to be level with the shoulders. The pillow should be neither too steep nor too low.
Myth #5: On Spinal Manipulations
Myth: Forced spinal beatings/hammering/ manipulations/heat scorches can relocate fractured vertebrae back in place.
Fact: Spinal manipulations by quacks are a strict no. They can lead to worsening or immediate paralysis. Please consult certified physiotherapists before taking action.
Myth #6: On Spinal Injections
Myth: Spinal anesthesia given by the needle in the lower back for any surgery (eg. Caesarian section) causes long-standing back pain.
Fact: Nowadays, the needle used in spinal anesthesia is as thin as our hair. It does not cause long-standing backache.
Myth #7: On Stitches in Spine Injury
Myth: Stitchless/ robotic/ endoscopic spine surgeries are the best.
Fact: Long-term results of open and minimally invasive surgeries are the same. Different surgeries have different indications. Let the surgeon decide the type of surgery.
Myth #8: On Laser in Spine Surgery
Myth: Getting your spine operated on with a laser is quick, stitchless, and easy.
Fact: The role of laser in spine surgery is not yet established. It’s still in the trial phase with limited uses.

Myth #9: On Types of Mattress
Myth: Sleeping on the floor and hard surface relieves back pain.
Fact: Sleeping on the floor doesn’t help relieve back pain. The sleeping surface should be neither too soft nor too firm.
A healthy spine is important for good health and more importantly for good, proper movement.
1. Exercise
“An exercise a day keeps the fatigue away.”
Exercising is a simple way to remain healthy and fit. There are six exercises to improve your spine health.
Abdominal Crunches
Alternate Leg Lifts
Leg Lifts
Spine Curl
Back Arch
All these exercises stretch the backbone and move them in ways to make them more flexible. It makes sure that the backbone is in great shape!

2. Maintain a good posture
It is necessary to maintain a good posture while you do any activity. Sitting on a chair, on the floor, or standing – every stance you take affects your posture and your spine.
The Spine is essential for the movement and transmission of information. Thus, it is very crucial to maintain the right spine posture practices as below:

3. Nutrients for your spine
The spinal column needs a lot of Calcium. It also needs Vit D3 and Vitamin B12. You can get Calcium from dairy products.
You can get Vitamin D3 from little exposure to gentle sunlight during the morning hours. Nuts and grains are wonderful sources of Vitamin B12. Consuming Vitamin B12 also requires appropriate consumption of Water.
The effects of spinal cord damage change with time. The symptoms of spinal pain is characterised by poor muscle strength, loose muscles, and a very small but deep tendon reflex below the site of injury.
Typically, a spine MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is done if SCI is present or thought to be present.
Some of the risks associated with spine surgery are
Blood Infection due to bleeding
Risks due to general anesthesia
Other risks associated with spinal surgery can affect the oesophagus, trachea, and carotid arteries. Such an injury can occur during an approach to the spine through the front of the neck.
Nonetheless, we at AxonSpine care about your health first. Keeping patient health in priority we also provide services such as Surgical management, Physiotherapy, Pain management, and Rehabilitation to recover faster till you are up and running!
Depending on the procedure you have, you might feel better right away. Or it can take weeks or even months before you feel fully better.
Your healing time is influenced by:
Surgery you underwent.
The spine’s approach by the surgeon.
The extent of your spine’s damage.
It is advisable to discuss reasonable expectations for healing with your doctor.
The best painkiller for you can be discussed with your surgeon after your procedure. Options for a multimodal approach can include:
Hot & Cold packs
Calming Strategies
Patient-controlled analgesia: It is a pump that administers a dose of painkillers as necessary.
Small electrical impulses are sent under the depth of the skin. This is done to prevent particular nerves sending pain signals to the brain.